CoR 0.64 Promo

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Can't wait to sink my teeth into more of this game's plot. And the girls too of course.

(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

pls let us save Aneko

she deserve it poor thing

the reasons?


-her little sister died because we failed to protect her

-does motherfuckers damaged her brain 

-and she can't survive on her own

i don't ask you to put h-scene with her 

just pls let us save her

p.s yes im a very emotional person and i love both the game and the characters.


-all of them have a great back story

-you get to actually care about them in the game story

-there are interesting plots

-and the game is perfectly made

if i have to be honest the only other game that had given me this feels

was monster girl quest with Tamamo, Alice, Granberia, Alma elma and Luka

p.s if you make Aneko die or betray us i swear im gonna have permanent PTSD


damn bro you really thought this through huh. i respect it though.


Maybe it can be changed in the future where choices can impact the outcome whether you can save her or not

(2 edits)

Edit 1* because I know when certain people sees this there going act like I'm saying that one of these will happen, THESE ARE THEORIES I'm not saying one of those will happen I'm saying they could, I can and have been wrong in the past

Edit 2* I know that her name is Emiko I just shortened it to Eko

I have feeling like this is going to turn out one of two ways

1. the main character finds out that Aneko unconsciously used some kind of power to make Eko to hold and protect part of her mind which leads to a quest line of the main character looking for the fragments of Aneko's mind that disappeared when Eko died then after the quest line is done Eko's card turns into Aneko's

2. Some point in the story Eko's bodies going to go missing and the main character will find out that she was resurrected and is fighting in one of the rival teams which will lead to a stupid scene of the main character grovelling telling her that he's sorry he got her killed

I hope to god if it's one of these then I hope it's along the lines of 1, although if it's one of the two something inside me is telling me that 2 will be closer to what will happens, the reason I think that is because you get Eko's card one or two events before she dies and then they put a spell over her body to "protect it"


i can't wait  the update to come!! 


damn, this is a visual novel but it feels more like a movie series honestly.


its great either way